Are-kore diary in Moscow*。」カテゴリーアーカイブ

ロシアのワインについて 〜価格帯〜/ Russian wine on affordable price range





ロシアのワインで、気軽に楽しく飲めて、値段もコストパフォーマンスが良いのは、KUBAN-WINE(Кубан-Вино)というロシアの南にあるワイナリーが製造している、Chateau Tamagne シリーズかなと思います。味、値段の他に重要なのは、どこにでも売っているということ。大体大きなスーパーマーケットに行くと売っています。味はロシアン風にやっぱり辛口ワインでもほのかに甘いのですが、ロシア・チョコレートみたいに激甘じゃなくて、バランスが取れてて飲みやすいです。

Chateau TamagneのHP

その他にも、購入しやすくて、安定してワインを供給しているのはFanagoria (というワイナリーもあります。こちらは、国際舞台にも果敢なくチャレンジして賞を取ったり、空港でも購入できるので知名度は高いです。

Chateau Tamagne(KUBAN-WINE)が庶民的でフレンドリーなワイナリーとしたら、Fanagoriaはが海外発信のも積極的なイケイケワイナリーかな、と勝手にイメージしてます。






↑ビュルネ(Domaines-Burnier)も空港で見るようになった〜 モスクワ市内だと、結構限られたショップしか売ってないから、ここにあって感動してしまった。基本的に単一品種を製造していて、とても丁寧に作られています。これも、お土産にぴったり。特に、国産ぶどうを使ったワインは値段はするけど、ワイン付きな人に贈ると珍しい品種なので喜ばれると思います。

↑ウサジバ・ジヴノモルスコエ(Usadba Divnomorskoe)のワイン。Abrau-Dursoという19世紀からスパークリングワインを作っているワイナリーが出しているシリーズで、高級ワインといわれているけど、シリーズによっては700ルーブルぐらいのものもあるし、大きなスーパーでも見かけるので、実際のところ超高級って感じでもない。オーナーがプーチン大統領と交流のある人で、これは私の勝手なコメントだけど、官僚の間でここのワインがプレゼントとして贈られることをよく聞くから、お偉いさんワインというところでしょうか。個人的にはリースリングが好きです。




” Роскачество: россияне переходят на дешевое вино”

“Более 80% продаж вина в России приходится на ценовую группу до 400 рублей за бутылку”

“Усадьба Дивноморское» нашла нового владельца Чем интересна винодельня в Краснодарском крае”



ブログ内でロシア・ワインの記事を読みたい場合は、ダグで「russian wine 」や「ロシアワイン」、またはカテゴリー欄で「Are-kore diary about wine*。」を選択してください。


Just a note_Legalization of my diploma

Since I’ve finished my master degree, I just wanted to do a legalization for my diploma. Lucky, there is a place where I can do it near my house.  So I used my opportunity at lunch time week day I went there.

↑The place is located in a quiet place. I think people never know what are they doing in this building. The cats were welcome to me in the entrance))

↑ This is the entrance. The people who can get in was limited. If there are many people, you have to wait outside while your line comes.

Actually, I could enter without reservation. Inside the office was only 2 people. It was while based room, the atmosphere was inorganic. I was little bit worried about whether I brought all necessary documents or not. But it was okay. People who is working there also not so bad. They was very business attitude, no punish.

Interestingly, the legalization will be done in 40 days. I received the number which I can track on the internet, but it doesn’t work… I will track on the phone, more  later..

↑After finished to submit the documents, backing at home, water man clean up the road. Passenger can be wet because the man spreads out the water.


↑ Working time of Legalization center.


Let’s see how it will be done in a month.


Source how to do the legalization:






「列車が換気規則に違反、車内がウィルスの繁殖地となる(1520. 鉄道ぜんぶについて、2月)」Проводники поездов нарушают инструкции по вентиляции, из-за этого вагоны становятся рассадником вирусов:


「駅や空港は依然としてウイルスや細菌の繁殖地だ(モーニング・ロシア1、8月)」Транспортное происшествие. Вокзалы и аэропорты остаются рассадником вирусов и микробов:



The virus gone away?

I thought that the summer has finished after July 13, but it’s still there!! This week became hot weather again. There were very heavy thunders yesterday, but after the bunch of water, today is clear sky and hot summer.

Essentially, we have to put the mask on in the public places or shopping market, but really, no one put it on…. In the metro, of course no masks,,, in the shopping mall, of curse no…

That was funny that I saw today that security man who’s usually standing in front of the entrance, whispering “put the mask , put the mask (ностите маск)”. Really, he was whispering just close to my ears…. There was different security man on the different line. He looks very tough guy, was shouted the people who are entering the shopping mall without masks “PUT THE MASK ON!!”.

Last week, the daughter of my friend came to Moscow from other city of Russia by airline. She said that there were full of people in the airplane and airport. After hearing this fact, the news showed the situation of Moscow airport. The screen shows that so many people with kids or family group in the airport for having summer vacation inside Russia. The Russian resort area is also many people, of course they don’t put the mask, thousand of people in the buffet no social distance.

This is the situation surrounding the COVID-19 here. It looks like there is no virus anymore in summer.



It has been past 4 months since I started to work from home. The time past so quickly! I have been in “The New Tretyakov Gallery” (Moscow Museum of Modern Art) this evening because every Wednesday is free. I entered the exhibition different from which I wanted to see it, but I could see the works of Boris Mikhailov which I used to see before. Yuriy Norshteyn , those were very good.


Retail Space Available テナント募集

After the lockdown, I see a lot of the advisements “Retail Space Available ” around my house, like Vkus Bill (grocery shop), Photo magazine, etc.   I saw that several retail shops or cafes can’t open after lifting restriction.

The local news say that about 80% of Moscow restraints will open after the restriction on June 23rd.  This number is slightly different  72% of Evator research company.

By the end of 2020, the share of vacant space in shopping centers will be 13-15%, as predicte an analyst. Anyway, many shops face to close their shops. We are watching this reality already now



Souse:Эксперт: около 80% ресторанов Москвы откроются после снятия ограничений 23 июня”


Souse: В центре Москвы навсегда закрылись больше сотни магазинов и кафе

It was a great sunny day for a Victory parade

Today it was held the Victory parade which would be held on 9 May.

I didn’t check that they did something with weather to be sunny. Anyway it was a nice sunny day. I saw the airshow. It always makes me surprised and really impressive every time.

Moscow mayor recommended seeing the parade at home through the TV. Despite that,  I saw people watch the procession in the city center. Also I saw that audience in red square were difficult to keep the social distance.. It is true that usually, Moscovich tends to spend the holiday of Victory day outside of the country. Due to the expansion of coronavirus, many Moscovichs had a chance to see Victory parade on the live broadcast. Especially this year was 75th anniversary, the parade was enthusiastic. Moreover, it was a big event for Russian people and the parade could not be held in May because of the Covid-19, actually, many people were disappointed. I thought that they cerebrate too exaggeratedly, but this year, I thought that it is good things that people never forget WWII.  Living there for a long time, I already memorize the Victory days songs.. Grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, son, daughter, grandson, daughter, everybody participates in this event since they were little.

Che, what!? Что, че ?

I met cashier with an angry woman for the first time in ages today. It was in the electric shop in Citylink. Although today is a weekday, there were quite enough people in the shop evening. The moment I stopped by the checkout counter with my order number, she said to me “Chto (what)? “. For me what is what? I am coming here to buy your product! I want to pay! She was doing something with price tags, maybe she was busy with multi-tasks, but it is not an attitude for the client who readies to pay…

This unpleasant cashier can be observed especially before, well let say Soviet time.  They tended to show the attitude that they took the trouble to sell it to the client. “If you want to buy, take it but it not of my business”. But now, there are many people who educated what is business is, understand what service is.

When I saw the cashier like today, I always say in my head ” Welcome back to the Soviet Union! “







Source: RBK “В Москве зарегистрировали исторический температурный рекорд для 17 июня”

Source: Mir24 “Вдохновленные солнцем: в Москву и регионы пришел аномальный зной”

It has been exactly 3 month

It is time for writing that today is exactly 3 months started to work remotely. The restriction lift is starting step by step, starting from tomorrow, summer terraces of cafe and restaurant will open.

Indeed, we are living in an unusual time. I saw my nearest photo processing shop was closed because of this current happening today.. I heard H&M or Zara will close several shops here. It is not only about apparel but also any business can happen in this situation.